October 24, 2008

The Archives and The Castle Anthrax

Since school has started, the adventuring of the Voranclan has been quite sparse. So to keep those people that actually read this blog (probably at least three) from giving up all hope on ever seeing a new entry and to keep the "shame mail" to a minimum, here are some pictures and adventures from the archives. Oh, and the title is tribute to the greatest movie of all time.

The ten year anniversary! (cira 2007)
Bran arranged for the kids to stay with Grandma and Grandpa Stuart and us to stay at Glen Eyrie Castle just outside of Colorado Springs on the Navigators campus. Somehow she was able to get the room at the top of the tower. It stormed the night we were there, and with windows completely surrounding us, it was fun to watch the lightning light up the room. We also enjoyed some hiking and exploring in the gardens and trails.

Glen Eyrie Castle

Repunzel! Repunzel!

Stormy Evening

Garden Dweller

The Garden

At the Punch Bowls

Nothing Beats Clean Fresh Mountain water

The "Path"


  1. Thanks for the new entry! Love the pictures! That looks like a beautiful place.

    By the way, do you have a secret to uploading so many pictures at once?

    ~Your biggest fans in AZ

    P.S. Thanks for the prompt response to the "shame mail."

  2. Ah ha, the 'shame mail' works! Thanks for the update.

  3. Anything for the fans!
    The pictures are either 4MP or 6 MP, depending on which camera we used, not sure if that has anything to do with it. I usually upload only four at a time, but multiple times.
