January 03, 2009

Mac the Moose and Her Mystery Meal

Mac is a yearling moose that has been hanging around the house as of late. She is often seen just up the road, munching on branches or sauntering into the woods. She used to kneel down and get a drink out of the little goldfish pond in the flowerbed in front of my folk's house. Now that the snow has covered up the pond we don't see her as much, but this afternoon here she was, eating on the raspberry bushes!


  1. I'd love to see a moose right about now! I love those creatures for some reason. BTW, how is your move going? You guys about ready to head out to PA?

  2. We are getting closer. Our container got delayed a week at Seattle. So soon, I hope.

  3. Mmmm... mystery moose meal. Have you eaten any of that since you've been back?
