February 07, 2010


Temperatures have dropped and stayed low consistently enough to freeze the entire surface of Lake Clark. This has two distinct advantages, no large ominous formations of ice fog enveloping the lake and our community, and now we can ice fish.
The ice fishing gear I had taken with me and stored for 12 years in Kansas could now see some use once again. (Not that there was no ice fishing in Kansas, just that I never was inclined to try it in Kansas) A few hours of dedication on a Saturday and we had a tasty meal of Whitefish for supper.

Checkin ice depth

Walking on Water

Working Smarter, Not Harder

Sis with Mrs. Owens

Waiting patiently


Papa's helper

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe how clearly you can see through the ice you're standing on! I think I'd be too weak-kneed to do it! It's fun reading of your adventures!
