June 10, 2008

Lazy Mountain Climb

The mountain shown in the header of this blog is Lazy Mountain (3,720 feet) and was a favorite hike of mine in my younger days. Even though the clouds were hanging over the peak for most of the day, we decided to go for it since our time in Alaska was almost over.
We ended up not climbing all the way to the last peak, we got into clouds, the temperature dropped, and the view was of course gone, which was the point of the hike. We still had a lot of fun.

Trail head

Up we go

Looking for Grandpa's house

Almost to the first shelf

At the first shelf

Snow play

On our way to the Upper shelf

Looking back down the trail


  1. Aww- it was my very first mountain to climb. Reesa reminded us that it was 10 years ago this summer! Crazy!

  2. Been there done that. That climb just about killed me though.
