March 23, 2009


It finally happened! This morning we ventured outside to the acrid smell of sulfur in the air, as Mount Redoubt unleashed her fury 5 times during the night. We have yet to see any ash in our area, but the eruption wrecked havoc with flight schedules throughout the state.

Map of Area

Pre-eruption steam

Redoubt webcam

Images courtesy of AVO/USGS.

The following images are from Nate-Valerie White's Facebook album,

Photo taken by Nate-Valerie White

Lightning in the Ash Cloud Photo taken by Brentwood Higman

You can check out the current status
Webcam from Mountain Hut
Webcam from Cook Inlet

Read about it

A movie a friend shot of it.

March 17, 2009

Foxey Lady

This evening as I made my way up the hill to our house, happy that most of the day's work was behind me, I lifted my gaze just enough to lock eyes with a daring little red-head. We held each others gaze for a few moment before she bolted into the nearby woods. Later while washing my hands at the kitchen sink for supper, I looked out the window, and there she stood again looking at me through the window as if taunting me. Naturally I couldn't resist, so out the door I dashed, snatching up the camera onlong the way.


Two is Company



March 02, 2009

Life is a Highway

Once again we "seized the day" and went exploring with friends on the snowmachines. In the last couple of trips to haul wood with the machine, I have made the discovery that my son is quite a good driver. This new found talent not only provides entertainment for him, but allows me to sit back, relax, take pictures and enjoy the ride. We headed down the lake towards the village of Nondalton and then ventured up through the snow covered tundra towards Tazimna Lakes. The lack of adequate snow cover on the tops of the higher hills prevented us from continuing all the way to the lakes, but we managed to find a natural half-pipe to have a little extra fun before returning home.
The following day, a friend and I drove across the lake to the homestead of the late Governor Jay Hammond. That same day I conducted an experiment to find out just how long you should leave your glove off to use a camera before there is no feeling left in your fingers.

My chauffeur

The chase

Leo and his mad driving skills

Break time

Top of the World (sort of)

Windy on Lake Clark